Monday, January 28, 2013

Where in the World?

     We had a guest speaker the other day in my Asset Management class. He is a big time investor who has made a name for himself in commercial real estate and equities. His purpose for visiting the class was to inform us of some of the practices that are used by professionals in the asset management industry. Before we got too far into the discussion, he read to us a letter that he wrote to the President of the United State, Barrak Obama. This letter received no response and was very critical of the way that the economy was being handled.
     We were then told by the speaker that Obamacare raised costs on business by over 5% and as a result there would be lots of people who would be fired or not hired in the first place. America, apparently had lost her glory. People are no longer willing to work for honest wages, they expect hand-outs and government subsidies, and when they are not taken care of, they through a fit. Taxes are so high now in this country that jobs and businesses are moving overseas.
     At this point in the conversation, I raised my hand and asked a simple question: "If things are so bad here in the U.S. where in the world do you suggest we go to become wealthy?" His response was short and somewhat disappointing. There is no better place than here and now. Well, that stinks.

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