Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Personal Portfolio

     The stock market is completely different than it was just twenty years ago. Computers and technology have changed the way that people invest and information is now a commodity instead of a luxury good. ETF's and Index Funds have been the new way to invest and stock picking and fundamental analysis seems to be a dying way of doing things.

    With the click a a botton, the average Joe can buy and sell stocks from his computer, tablet, or even smart phone. Yet, the market has effectively been flat over the past ten years and I think most people are not interested in investing because they don't believe that it can really be profitable. 

     The good news is that the market has been volatile in the past and it will continue to be volatile in the future. People have made lots of money investing over the years and that is likely never going to change. Those who see the value in investing and put forth the effort to find the best companies will be handsomely rewarded. 

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